Education: Salem High School (Salem, VA) graduated 2021, B.S. in Chemistry, Roanoke College (Salem, VA) expected graduation 2026
Joined the Nas Lab: Spring 2024
Hobbies: Video games, camping
List of Awards and Accomplishments: President’s List Spring 2023, Eagle Scout, 2024 Roanoke College Summer Scholar
Career Aspiration: I’m excited to pursue organic chemistry as a career because it affords me the opportunity to explore the forefront of scientific knowledge. For this reason, after graduating from Roanoke College, I plan to continue studying chemistry in a Ph.D. program. During my graduate studies, I’d like to further develop the technical skills required to do research while making meaningful contributions within both the scientific community and society at large. Upon completing my Ph.D., I hope to find a position that will help me to further realize these aspirations.
Contact Info: swhill(at)mail.roanoke.edu