Education: Pulaski County High School and Southwest Virginia Governor’s School (Pulaski, VA) graduated in 2023, B.S. in Biochemistry with minors in History and Neuroscience, Roanoke College (Salem, VA) expected graduation 2026
Joined the Nas Lab: Spring 2025
Hobbies: Being outdoors, hunting, and doing carpentry
List of Awards and Accomplishments: Honors Program, Roanoke College Trustee Award Recipient
Career Aspiration: After graduation, I want to pursue a Ph.D. in either Biomedical or Veterinary Sciences. I love animals and have wanted to pursue a career that would allow me to be beneficial to them. With the knowledge of science and how systems function, I want to be able to create new medicinal practices and drugs that can benefit the lives of so many animals and even humans too.
Contact Info: kmervine(at)mail.roanoke.edu