Education: Pinecrest High School (Southern Pines, NC) graduated 2022, B.S. in Biochemistry, Conc. Medicinal Chemistry, Roanoke College (Salem, VA) expected graduation 2026
Joined the Nas Lab: Spring 2024
Hobbies: Gardening, baking, and kayaking
List of Awards and Accomplishments: Honors Program, Dean’s List 2023, Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society (SAACS) – Student Secretary (2023-2024) President (2024-2025), Roanoke College Pathway Research Support Recipient
Career Aspiration: I love learning new things about the sciences, especially when it comes to chemistry and the various applications it has. After graduation, I want to pursue a Ph.D. in organic or medicinal chemistry. I think it’s fascinating that organic chemists can manipulate a specific group or bond within a molecule and completely change the way it functions or behaves, giving it a completely new purpose. I hope to one day work for a company that focuses on making new medications that improve the lives of millions of people.
Contact Info: azhamilton(at)mail.roanoke.edu